Tag Archives: spring break

A Slut’s Perspective: Spring Break

Thanks to the fast pen of my newly discovered editor, I’m proud to announce that A Slut’s Perspective: Spring Break is now available from Amazon and Smashwords. It will be available on Barnes & Noble soon. Without further delay, here’s the tease…

A Slut's Perspective - Spring Break - Amazon CoverEveryone needs a break – including Kristy and her roommate, lover, and closest friend, Kathryn. After rejecting proposals from many of her school’s fraternities to go on spring break as their “guest,” Kristy finally gives in to the last and most convincing offer to accompany Kathryn on a get away that promises not to feature wrist bands, foam parties, and thousands of their fellow students looking for the chance to be stupid.

Spring Break takes Kristy into a world of opulence that she was barely aware existed as well as into a week of random hookups and sensual pleasures that she knows better than women twice her age. With Kate as her constant companion, almost anything is possible. Kristy and Kathryn are the kind of co-eds everyone wishes they knew in school.

In this second book of the “Slut’s Perspective” series, the 18-year-old Kristy leads the way in enjoying the pleasures of girl-on-girl love, oral play, multiple partners, and joining the mile high club.

One to go…

After a few minutes of inspiration yesterday afternoon, Spring Break is about one chapter – or 2000-odd words from being in what I’m probably going to consider it’s draft form. It’m still a little surprised at how tough this one has been to write. It’s the first short story in a long time that I’ve been tempted to set aside so I could work on something else. As we’re racing to the finish now, I’m glad I didn’t go that rout. Sitting around with two or three shorts “in progress” would have probably driven me to distraction of not to the loony bin.

I’ll admit up front that it’s not the beer soaked spring break story that I had in mind when I started writing… and I’m wondering if I should do a touch of revising in the first chapter and change the title a bit. I still feel like a good story about 20-somethings on a proper spring break would be a fun story to write. This one just didn’t turn out to be exactly that story. Don’t worry it still features plenty of hot girl-on-girl love, sex with strangers, and an actual story line, it’s just not going to be the beach-centered, club hopping story that I planned on back in December when I got started on it.

I guess we’re all just going to have to see how it ends before making any radical decisions about what it should ultimately be called. The last thing I want to do is be accused of luring a reader in with a spring break title and have them find themselves in a sex story that just happens to take place mostly at a beach house. Imagine their disappointment. 😉

– Ed.